Operational Design

What is Operational Design? For me, it involves leveraging my skills in product/digital design and combining those skills with my ability to develop tools that help organizations address scaling challenges, enhance operational efficiency, and enable global teams to communicate more effectively and collaborate cross-functionally.
Led a team in designing an MVP for a new peer recognition platform that would allow employees to celebrate their peers' accomplishments and significant milestones. The platform aimed to foster bottom-up recognition and enhance cross-collaboration within the organization.

Peer Recognition

Designed and developed a platform to scale adoption of a new OKR framework, ensuring alignment between individual goals and business objectives. This tool empowered functional teams to seamlessly input and manage their OKRs and side projects within a unified hub.

Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)

Spearheaded the development of a tool offering a cohesive front-end interface, acting as a central portal to access various fragmented workforce management tools. The goal was to increase efficiency and encourage greater adoption and utilization of resources.

Unifying Tools

Designed and developed a project management tool specifically tailored for global virtual teams. The primary objective was to establish a centralized space for capturing and exchanging mutual challenges and solutions, thereby minimizing duplication of efforts on a global scale.

Virtual Teams