Retargeting Ads

At Criteo, I worked on retargeting ads for both desktop and mobile, using dynamic creative optimization to scale clients'  campaigns across the marketing funnel. This experience honed my skills in creating impactful, data-driven ad strategies.
Creative Direction
Strategic Thinking
Develop deep understanding of top-tier client style guides to create retargeting ads in standard IAB sizes. Although employing design templates, ensure each ad maintains a unique brand identity, avoiding a cookie-cutter appearance. Partner with Product and Engineering when necessary to develop new products or features.


I approached each client individually to fully understand their brand aesthetics and style guide. In addition, by pushing the boundaries of the standard templates, I helped to drive the product team to innovate and develop new features to address client needs.


My first role at Criteo was that of Sr. Digital Designer and I was eventually promoted to Creative Director. As a designer, I learned the intricacies of using templates to efficiently scale client campaigns. As Creative Director, I served as the escalation point for unhappy clients, assisted designers when they were stuck, and collaborated with Product and Engineering teams when necessary to develop new features to meet client evolving needs.
